


Considerations for developers and building designers evaluating the potential cost benefits of modular for a multi-family project

Alvera / DJR建筑事务所 & 设计/图片Korey Kevin 工作室

Modular construction has been touted as a means to combat rising interest rates and costs, 并帮助解决美国的住房短缺问题. Advantages such as faster construction in a quality-controlled setting have turned it into a $100 billion global industry, 270亿美元在美国.S.即使在劳动力市场吃紧的情况下.1 But are there tangible cost benefits for a developer or design team considering modular for a multi-family project?

This article will consider potential savings and rates-of-return associated with modular construction, 并强调这种方法对阿尔维拉的影响, St .的一栋公寓楼. 保罗、锰 with five stories of modular light-frame wood construction over a two-level podium.


在评估模块化与模块化的财务可行性时. 传统现场施工, 通常不属于项目预估的因素会发挥作用. 其中最重要的一点是进入市场的速度. 因为施工与现场和基础工作同时进行, 模块化的方法可以减少30-50%的进度.

例如, 200个单位, seven-story project with light-frame wood construction over a concrete podium, 18个月的时间表可以压缩到10-12个月. This allows the project to generate income sooner while reducing construction overhead and loan interest. Modular units are completed in a factory through a manufacturing process, 哪一个需要工程和设计开发的协调. 这种受控环境降低了变更订单的风险, 哪一个, 除了保证项目按计划进行, 在计算管理费用和人工成本方面创造一定程度的确定性. 与关闭街道和停放区域有关的费用也较少. (A related consideration is that modular construction can solve issues with tight urban sites where cranes and scaffolding would be challenging.)一旦模块到达工地, installation happens quickly with minimal disruption to the neighborhood.


A factory-built approach lends itself to quality and efficiency while addressing skilled labor shortages and reducing jobsite waste, 所有这些都节省了时间和金钱. 例如, building in a controlled environment protects the value of workmanship by eliminating the influx of water associated with rain or snow—an important consideration for wood projects. Modules arrive at the jobsite sealed and fully protected for the installation phase. The benefit of predictability in modular construction can lead to project savings of 5-10%, 尽管这个基础可以随着项目的规模和复杂性而改变.

在一个典型的项目中, 整个模块——从木结构到成品墙, 地板, 管道和电气设备都是在工厂里建造的. 对一致性和质量的关注增强了结构的完整性, 这样可以最大限度地减少运输过程中的损害(再一次, 昂贵的延迟). 然而, 最终的建筑将比单独的模块更具完整性, 由于模块被放置在彼此的旁边和顶部, 在不使用剪力墙的情况下创造一个更坚固的盒子. There is also no need for gypsum concrete floor underlayment (哪一个 adds more water to a jobsite along with curing time that can slow construction), as the inherent nature of this approach creates two layers of separated sound barriers at floors/ceilings and walls, 无需额外材料即可提高声学额定值. This doesn’t limit creativity as modules can be custom designed and stacked at varying angles. So, 而重复产生最大的节省, creative ingenuity plays a role in constructing beautiful and lasting structures.


Alvera是一幢市价5比2的公寓大楼. 保罗、锰. It was first conceived as a site-built project, but there were a number of challenges. 场地很小,形状独特, with limited room for equipment and nowhere nearby for material storage or staging. 时间表也估计为18-24个月. DJR架构 & 设计 had previous experience in modular construction and believed the creative objectives could be achieved using this approach—faster and at lower cost.

正如预期的, the team had no issue maintaining Alvera’s aesthetic and complexity; in addition to residential units, 一个皇冠2登录welcome, 以及众多的公共设施空间, the project includes a mechanized car-stacking system with 102 semi-automated stalls. 模块化设计还允许最大密度为193个单位在0.61英亩(316个单位/英亩),同时将时间缩短到12个月. The modules were set in 22 days without the need for staging and with less traffic, 噪音, 以及对社区的破坏. The quality of the project was also improved, with more insulation and better acoustic performance. 


DJR架构 & 设计/照片Korey Kevin 工作室


当评估设计团队的时间将如何以及何时花费时, it’s important to consider the differences between modular and on-site projects. 最明显的是, planning and design are a hybrid of design and typical construction administration activities. 因为模块化结构很大程度上是一个制造过程, 所有的材料规格和采购都是预先完成的. 橱柜, 电器, 硬件, 家具, 固定装置, and equipment (FFE) also need to be specified and locked in to ensure product delivery before construction of the modules. This is critical to achieving the timeline advantages of modular construction. It means the design team will be reviewing and approving submittals while also working through construction documents. 为了让这次行动顺利进行, finish selections need to be approved by the building owner much earlier in the process and with decisiveness. 适当的组织可以减少变更订单的风险, 对于模块化项目,哪个更重要. 过程后期的更改可能会导致延迟并消除节省的成本.

架构师s and interior designers must have a high level of collaboration at the beginning of the project when conceptualizing the design of the building. This involves coordination with the engineering team and general contractor to understand the process and methods involved, 但责任在建筑师身上, 工程师和开发人员创建时间表. 更多的协调会带来额外的软成本支出, 但顺利的流程和减少的变更订单远远超过了它们.

尽管早期学习曲线可能很陡峭, companies new to modular construction can see successful results with accelerated timelines, 更好的质量控制, 还有其他好处,可以节省大量的成本和时间.

由DJR架构的Dean Dovolis贡献 & 设计

1 全球行业分析师. (2023). 全球模块化建筑行业.